ENT/Allergy Treatment Success Stories

Dr. Aguila and the team have had great success helping patients suffering from ENT and allergy challenges. We’ve shared some stories here to inspired you to create your own success story, driven from an improved quality of life.

ENT/Allergy Treatment Success Stories

Nasal Obstruction Relieved Thanks to Dr. Aguila

Gus was suffering from a deviated septum. He could not…

Septoplasty, Turbinoplasty and Vestibular Stenosis with Sober Surgery

Scott has been struggling to breathe through his nose for decades.…

Non-Surgical Treatment for Sinusitis

Marjorie had terrible Sinus congestion and headaches that left…

Husband and Wife Healed Thanks to Dr. Aguila’s Plastic Surgery and ENT Training

ENT Surgery Provides Relief For Family Success is twice as nice…
Dr. Demetrio J. Aguila, III, M.D. FACS

Sinus Problems Gone Thanks to Dr. Aguila

Sandra's sinuses were so bad that she was miserable when she…
Dr. Demetrio J. Aguila, III, M.D. FACS

Breathing and Sleeping Problems Relieved Without Surgery

Dean had trouble breathing through his nose which affected his…

Surgery Helps Jessica Breathe Better and Smile Brighter

Jessica injured her nose, causing two very different problems.…

Dr. Aguila Helps Patient Relieve Nasal Congestion and Snoring

Evelyn had trouble breathing. She had sinus surgery to ease her…

Nasal Congestion Relieved with Non-Surgical Procedure

Wilbur's wife Carol had nerve surgery with Dr. Demetrio Aguila.…

Relief from Nasal Congestion

Ricky was suffering from nasal congestion. He had trouble breathing…

Tonsillectomy Successful Despite Large Tonsils

Succesful Tonsillectomy for 7-year-old with Large Tonsils Dr.…

Life Changing Experience as Dr. Aguila’s Patient and Student

Tori's Successful Tonsillectomy with Dr. Aguila Tori had terrible…

The Aguila Team Can Help

Dr. Demetrio Aguila and his team at Healing Hands of Nebraska can help patients suffering from unexplained nerve pain or other chronic pain. We urge everyone to not ignore symptoms when solutions may be possible. Take the first step to feeling better, come and see us about solutions for chronic pain, allergies, and reconstructive surgery.

Call us at 1-402-370-9515 or fill out the form on this page to set up a consultation to determine your best options.

Contact Dr. Aguila

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