Sinus Problems Gone Thanks to Dr. Aguila

Sandra’s sinuses were so bad that she was miserable when she went outside. She had headaches and lost sleep. At one point she was hospitalized with a severe sinus infection. That’s when she met Dr. Demetrio Aguila who guided her on a journey back to health. Watch her story.

Breathing and Sleeping Problems Relieved Without Surgery

Dean had trouble breathing through his nose which affected his sleep and overall health. But he wasn’t a good surgical candidate. Dr. Aguila recommended a new, in-office procedure that is simple, painless and effective for patients with nasal obstruction. Dean and his wife Karen agreed to have the treatment on the SAME DAY they learned about it. Watch what happened next…


Neuropathy Pain Healed with Nerve Surgery

Garry’s Neuropathy was so bad several local doctors recommended that he use braces. But Garry refused to give up hope. Thanks to a cousin’s recommendation he found Dr. Demetrio Aguila who offered him a better solution. Watch how Garry got his life back.