Carpal Tunnel Release with Ultrasound Guidance – Not Once But Twice

Carpal Tunnel relief times two for Ashley after two Carpal Tunnel Release with Ultrasound Guidance procedures with Dr. Aguila.

Both times she experienced immediate relief with no down time.

Postherpetic Neuralgia Pain Gone

Dolores developed Postherpetic Neuralgia pain after a bad case of Shingles. She tried a variety of medications that eased the pain a little but had horrible side effects. She was at her lowest point when she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused, peripheral nerve surgeon. Watch how Dr. Aguila helped Dolores overcome Postherpetic Neuralgia. Now she is looking forward to living her life to the fullest.


Superior Cluneal Nerve Pain Gone

John had low back pain for years that kept him from participating in his favorite hobbies of golf and bowling. The pain impacted all aspects of his life, all day long. He tried for years to find help, but no one could diagnose or effectively treat his pain. Then he went online and found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. Dr. Aguila diagnosed John with superior cluneal nerve entrapment and performed the surgery that gave him his life back.

Postherpetic Neuralgia Pain Relief

Tricia had pain and severe itching for almost a decade from Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN). She searched for relief for years but nothing could ease the intense itching. Through a Facebook group she found pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon Demetrio Aguila MD. Her husband Jeff shares her remarkable journey back to health.


Successful Foot Drop Surgery

Dr. Aguila performs successful foot drop surgery on a patient who traveled from Michigan to Nebraska. In the operating room, he decompressed three different nerves to relieve her symptoms. The prognosis after surgery for patients with foot drop is excellent.
Cynthia is looking forward to long walks with her dogs now that her symptoms are gone.


How the M25 Program Inspires and Heals

Patient has successful pain-focused peripheral nerve Surgery thanks to the M25 Program. Dr. Aguila created the M25 Program to fulfil a personal desire to do medical mission work in his community. M25 allows patients to pay for their healthcare with community service hours. Dr. Aguila describes the genesis of this remarkable program through the lens of M25 patient Ashley. He also lays out next steps on how to grow the program to touch more lives.



Bilateral Piriformis Syndrome

Russell suffered for almost a decade with numbness and tingling in his feet from bilateral piriformis syndrome. He saw dozens of doctors and specialists but no one could help until he found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. With two simple outpatient procedures Dr. Aguila relieved his pain. Russell is grateful to Dr. Aguila and his staff. Watch this video and contact Dr. Aguila if you have unexplained chronic pain

Historia exitosa de liberación del túnel carpiano

Theresa sufrió el síndrome del túnel carpiano durante años, pero postergó el dolor porque no quería dejar su vida activa. Luego se enteró del Dr. Demetrio Aguila y la Liberación del Túnel Carpiano con Guia por Ultrasonido. La CTR con Guía por Ultrasonido se realiza en el consultorio del Doctor con anestesia local y lo mejor de todo, sin tiempo de inactividad. Mire su historia y aprenda más sobre este innovador procedimiento.


Life After Surgery for Occipital Neuralgia

Two dramatic videos show a stark contrast between Ashley’s life dealing with pain from Occipital Neuralgia and her life after surgery with pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon Demetrio Aguila MD.

Watch her transformation and contact Dr. Aguila if you have Occipital Neuralgia or unexplained nerve pain.

You can also follow Ashley’s journey through the M25 program which allows patients to finance healthcare with community service and

#occipitalneuralgia #nervepain #nerve #migraines #m25program

How Dr. Aguila Eliminates Chronic Pain with Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila explains how he eliminates chronic pain with peripheral nerve surgery. He describes four primary causes for chronic pain and two peripheral nerve problems he can effectively cure with surgery.
Learn more about Dr. Aguila’s permanent surgical solutions to eliminate chronic pain.
Schedule an appointment to see if he can help relieve your chronic pain
#nervepain #nervesurgery #chronicpain #demetrioaguilamd #backpain #peripheralneuropathy