How the M25 Program Inspires and Heals

Patient has successful pain-focused peripheral nerve Surgery thanks to the M25 Program. Dr. Aguila created the M25 Program to fulfil a personal desire to do medical mission work in his community. M25 allows patients to pay for their healthcare with community service hours. Dr. Aguila describes the genesis of this remarkable program through the lens of M25 patient Ashley. He also lays out next steps on how to grow the program to touch more lives.



Bilateral Piriformis Syndrome

Russell suffered for almost a decade with numbness and tingling in his feet from bilateral piriformis syndrome. He saw dozens of doctors and specialists but no one could help until he found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. With two simple outpatient procedures Dr. Aguila relieved his pain. Russell is grateful to Dr. Aguila and his staff. Watch this video and contact Dr. Aguila if you have unexplained chronic pain