How Dr. Aguila Eliminates Chronic Pain with Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila explains how he eliminates chronic pain with peripheral nerve surgery. He describes four primary causes for chronic pain and two peripheral nerve problems he can effectively cure with surgery.
Learn more about Dr. Aguila’s permanent surgical solutions to eliminate chronic pain.
Schedule an appointment to see if he can help relieve your chronic pain
#nervepain #nervesurgery #chronicpain #demetrioaguilamd #backpain #peripheralneuropathy


M25 Program Helps Young Teen Get Life-Changing Surgery

Dr. Aguila Helps Teen Overcome Gynecomastia

Dr. Aguila’s Surgical Skill Saves Young Boy

Lane suffered a dog bite that left him with severe facial injuries. Thankfully Dr. Aguila has the training and expertise to handle this complicated case. Fast forward one year and Lane looks better than ever. Watch his story and how a simple act of kindness from Dr. Aguila put Lane at ease.


World-Class Care in Norfolk, Nebraska with Dr. Demetrio Aguila

“I get the feeling that I am the most important thing he has every time I am with him.” Patient Larry describing how he feels about Dr. Demetrio Aguila. Watch how Larry was able to avoid the hospital and get world-class treatment thanks to the Healing Hands team.

Dr. Aguila Helps Young Teen with Emergency Surgery

Dave Dougherty remembers the night he received a call no parent ever wants to get. His teenage daughter Kaitlynn was in a car accident that left her face looking “horrific” in his words. Luckily Dr. Aguila was there for them that night. His training and skill saved Kaitlynn and she looks amazing. Watch her inspiring story.

Wound Reconstruction Using Amniotic Tissue

Wound Reconstruction Surgery Provides Patient with Great Relief

Angela had a four-pound hematoma on her thigh. No other surgeon would touch her because she also had an autoimmune disease. Enter Dr. Aguila who developed an innovative surgical plan for her wound reconstruction. Watch her story.

Husband and Wife Healed Thanks to Dr. Aguila’s Plastic Surgery and ENT Training

ENT Surgery Provides Relief For Family

Success is twice as nice in this husband and wife patient story. Dr. Aguila operated on Alan and then helped Naomi on the road to recovery. To treat this couple, Dr. Aguila relied on his ENT Surgery and Plastic Surgery Training.

Dr. Demetrio Aguila is a board-certified ENT, which means he is qualified to treat all disorders affecting the ears, nose, and throat–including allergies in both adults and children. Because he can assess all of your needs with a comprehensive exam, you can make one trip to our office rather than booking appointments with an allergist and an ENT.

A perpetually stuffed or a runny nose may not mean you have allergies though. It could just as easily be another ENT-related condition. We commonly see sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps, and deviated septums as well. With his experience and knowledge of the field, Dr. Aguila can identify the cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan just for you.