Why Dr. Aguila Does Not Accept Insurance Part II

It’s a hot-button issue but watch this short video to understand why Dr. Aguila does not accept insurance.

No insurance means a more transparent relationship with the patient and no checks for $0.01. Yes, you read that correctly. Eight hours, two surgeries and a check from an insurance company for $0.01!

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#demetrioaguilamd #totalpainsolutions


Dr. Aguila Explains Why He Does Not Take Insurance

Demetrio Aguila MD is known for innovation in the clinical and financial realms of healthcare. He sets himself apart by treating his patients with cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical procedures. Patients travel from all over the world to see him.

Dr. Aguila is also a pioneer in healthcare financing. He created the M25 Program which allows patients to finance their care with community service.

In this video, Dr. Aguila explains why he no longer accepts insurance and how this policy benefits his patients. He also shares a tragic story of why insurance companies should NOT make healthcare decisions.

Notalgia Paresthetica Explained

Notalgia paresthetica is a peripheral nerve problem resulting in intense and sometimes painful itching in the mid to upper back and between the shoulder blades. Dr. Demetrio Aguila has a simple way to diagnose and effectively treat Notalgia Paresthetica. In this video he explains how.

Dr. Demetrio Aguila MD explains.

“Notalgia Paresthetica is a problem that occurs in the back. Patients will say I have got itching or a burning sensation. Sometimes they will say I have a stabbing sensation or sometimes they will say I have an aching sensation or electrical sensation. Other patients will come in and just say it hurts doc, can you please take away the pain.

The pain arises from some small sensory nerves that come out of the spinal cord. They branch off from the spinal nerves and they go to the skin and the muscle in that area the patient describes the exact spot right between the shoulder blades where they are having the pain sometimes above that level. sometimes below and then I am pretty sure I know what is going on.

In that case what we will do is a diagnostic block. We will inject that local anesthetic around the nerves that I think might be causing the patient’s

Pain. If we turn those nerves off and we turn off the pain and the patient say doc this feels great, I tell them well we can treat that.

There is a surgical procedure which is relatively straightforward in which we turn those nerves off permanently so that the patients do not end up with chronic pain.


Ear Tubes Under Local Anesthesia – FAQs Part 2

The second part of two part Q&A on the TULA procedure.

Tubes Under Local Anesthesia (TULA) – FAQs Part 1

The first in a two part Q&A on the TULA ear tube procedure.

Dr. Aguila on Why He is Wearing a Mask

Dr. Aguila discusses why wearing a mask is a helpful act during COVID-19.

Dr. Aguila on Telemedicine and Patient Screening During COVID-19

Dr. Aguila shares how Telemedicine is a great option to maintain healthcare during COVID.

Dr. Aguila on COVID and Telemedicine

During COVID-19, new ways of helping patience includes the use of telemedicine.

Finding Value in Healthcare

Many people mistakenly think that having insurance and seeing a network provider is the safest and least expensive option. Unfortunately, the reality is that two-thirds of personal bankruptcies are due to medical costs and 75% of those who went bankrupt HAD insurance. In this V-log Dr. Aguila shares his passion for bringing value to his patients.

Lab Testing at Healing Hands

Dr. Aguila is now offering comprehensive lab testing at their Norfolk clinic. This is a double win for patients. Lab testing at Healing Hands is more convenient and more affordable. Dr. Aguila explains in this short video.