Tag Archive for: peripheral neuropathy

New Hope for Amy After Peripheral Nerve Surgery with Dr. Aguila

Amy’s story is one of the most powerful stories we have shared. A story that offers hope for the hopeless…
Amy had been in pain for years forcing her to give up a career and active life.
She had given hope on finding help when by “some miracle” she searched online and discovered Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila.
Watch Amy’s story and see how a flutter in her heart when she first watched Dr. Aguila’s videos led her down the path of hope and healing.

Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Gone with Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Harold suffered with Peripheral Neuropathy pain in his feet for years. He couldn’t enjoy his grandkids or keep up with his wife. Luckily, his journey led him to fellow veteran and Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Demetrio Aguila MD. Dr. Aguila was able to help Harold get back on his feet with a groundbreaking surgery decompressing nerves in the foot and leg. Harold feels especially grateful for a veteran taking care of another veteran. Watch his story.

Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Healed with Nerve Surgery

Karolee is a teacher who came home every day with aching feet from her Peripheral Neuropathy. She was also suffering from numbness and burning and could not enjoy her active lifestyle. Dr. Demetrio Aguila is a peripheral nerve surgeon who can eliminate pain with nerve surgery. He is one of a few surgeons in the U.S. trained to help patients with a permanent surgical solution to their Neuropathy pain. Here is Karolee just weeks after surgery with Dr. Aguila.