Tag Archive for: piriformis syndrome

Piriformis Muscle Removal Surgery: Why Tamara Traveled 1600 Miles to Get Relief

Tamara had horrible pain in her glute.
Over a five-year period she saw 17 orthopedic surgeons who told her she had to amputate her leg, live with the pain or they had clue what was wrong with her.
As a young mother she was determined to get help.
Luckily her husband Irwin found Dr. Demetrio Aguila online. After watching his videos they jumped at the chance to see him even though he was hundreds of miles away in another state.
Watch her powerful story of hope and learn more about Dr. Aguila’s groundbreaking surgeries to relieve chronic pain https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/contact/

Patients Travel for Innovative Surgeries and Treatments with Dr. Demetrio Aguila

As an innovator and a pioneer, Dr. Aguila performs surgeries and treatments that are not available at any other hospital or practice around the world. That is why patients are traveling thousands of miles for surgery or treatment with him at Healing Hands of Nebraska.

New Hope for Amy After Peripheral Nerve Surgery with Dr. Aguila

Amy’s story is one of the most powerful stories we have shared. A story that offers hope for the hopeless…
Amy had been in pain for years forcing her to give up a career and active life.
She had given hope on finding help when by “some miracle” she searched online and discovered Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila.
Watch Amy’s story and see how a flutter in her heart when she first watched Dr. Aguila’s videos led her down the path of hope and healing.

Piriformis Syndrome Pain Relieved With Nerve Surgery

Delores back and leg pain was so bad she would cry for days. After years of frustration she never dreamed she would find a doctor who could help her. But after Dr. Aguila removed her Piriformis Muscle she is “a new me.” Watch her inspiring story and learn more about this groundbreaking surgery.

Piriformis Syndrome Pain Relieved with Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Joseph is an avid runner who was experiencing sciatica pain shooting down his leg. For seven years he chased down a diagnosis and tried many different treatments, none of which were successful. Then he found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, one of a handful of Peripheral Nerve Surgeons in the U.S. trained to remove his piriformis muscle thereby releasing the compression on the sciatic nerve. Watch Joseph’s journey back to health.

Joseph’s Story Piriformis Syndrome – Pain in the Buttocks “I love to run but when I was in college I started having pain in the buttocks. It got so bad that I had tingling in my toes at work and I thought I must do something. I had to quit everything and that is frustrating for an active guy. It was to the point where living was a bear.” Joseph tried to find a treatment, but no one could help “Twelve physicians later we still did not have an answer. We tried physical therapy, chiropractor, massage, and everything else. Seven years in I am like what am I going to do?” As an ER physician, Joseph’s father had heard about Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a Peripheral Nerve Surgeon. Dr. Aguila is one of a handful of peripheral nerve surgeons in the United States who focus on relieving chronic pain through nerve surgery. Within five minutes of examining him, Dr. Aguila was able to give Joseph something that had eluded him for seven years and dozens of doctors – a diagnosis. “He walked in and he said to me, I am 80% sure I know what you have.” Joseph had piriformis syndrome, a condition when the sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle. Dr. Aguila surgically removed Joseph’s Piriformis Muscle, a procedure only a few doctors in the U.S. are trained to do. Joseph is back to running and living his life to the fullest. “I am thrilled to be back running. It is such a blessing that I can function much less compete.” He has this advice for anyone suffering from back or sciatica pain. “Fly into Norfolk to have Dr. Aguila examine you. I know what it feels like to be hopeless. It has been a blessing to work with Dr. Aguila and his team. I owe them a debt that I can never repay.”

Contact Dr. Aguila Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealingHands​​… Website: https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/

Neuropathy Pain Gone Thanks to Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Margaret suffered from Neuropathy that limited her life and mobility, She tried several treatments and sought help from many doctors. No one could help until she found Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila. Watch how a simple surgery changed her life.

Sciatica Pain Gone after Nerve Surgery

Monica suffered a terrible fall that left her horrible back and buttock pain. She was bedridden and could not play with her grandchildren. Desperate to help her mother, her daughter researched online and found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a peripheral nerve surgeon. Watch her story of hope and healing.

Sciatica Pain and Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatica is a difficult condition for many doctors to treat. In this video, Dr. Aguila explains a surgical procedure he uses to help patients suffering from Piriformis Syndrome. This operation is designed to help patients who have failed other treatments.