Tag Archive for: snoring

Breathing and Sleeping Problems Relieved Without Surgery

Dean had trouble breathing through his nose which affected his sleep and overall health. But he wasn’t a good surgical candidate. Dr. Aguila recommended a new, in-office procedure that is simple, painless and effective for patients with nasal obstruction. Dean and his wife Karen agreed to have the treatment on the SAME DAY they learned about it. Watch what happened next…


Surgery Helps Jessica Breathe Better and Smile Brighter

Jessica injured her nose, causing two very different problems. One problem was cosmetic, the other clinical. She hated looking in the mirror and had trouble breathing. Enter Dr. Dementrio Aguila, a Norfolk surgeon with a very unique skill set. Watch how Dr. Aguila helped Jessica get her smile and life back.

How Dr. Aguila Treats Sinusitis

Patients with Sinusitis fall into one of three diagnostic categories. At Healing Hands of Nebraska, Dr. Demetrio Aguila has many different ways to treat each patient depending on which category they fall into. In this video, he explains all of the options.

Relief from Nasal Congestion

Ricky was suffering from nasal congestion. He had trouble breathing during walks with his wife Dottie. He was also snoring heavily keeping both of them awake at night. Luckily Dr. Aguila had a simple solution.