Tag Archive for: superior cluneal nerves

Superior Cluneal Nerve Pain Gone

John had low back pain for years that kept him from participating in his favorite hobbies of golf and bowling. The pain impacted all aspects of his life, all day long. He tried for years to find help, but no one could diagnose or effectively treat his pain. Then he went online and found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. Dr. Aguila diagnosed John with superior cluneal nerve entrapment and performed the surgery that gave him his life back.

What is Nerve Pain?

Dr. Demetrio Aguila explains common nerve pain conditions. Pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeons are trained to surgically eliminate chronic pain problems caused by nerve compression which leads to nerve pain throughout the body. Dr. Aguila is one of only a handful of pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

Superior Cluneal Nerve Surgery Relieves Three Decades of Lower Back Pain


Crystal suffered with lower back pain for more than 30 years. She sought help from hundreds of doctors, including experts at the Mayo Clinic. All of them insisted the pain was in her head. Then she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila, a pain-focused Peripheral Nerve Surgeon performing groundbreaking, innovative surgeries to relieve chronic pain. Watch Crystal’s powerful story and see why she says finding Dr. Aguila was a miracle for her.

Here’s her story in her own words.

“I had back pain and pain down my legs, debilitating pain. In looking for relief I had so many physical therapy sessions and Psychotherapy sessions. I went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and they told me it was all in my head.

I knew there was something wrong. All these doctors – and there were hundreds of doctors – kept saying there’s nothing wrong; there’s nothing we can do. It was killing me, and I felt like giving up.

(Met Dr. Aguila)

I gave it like 24 hours, called the next day, and said yes sign me up!

(Had two surgeries to remove occipital and superior cluneal nerves to address head/neck and back/sciatica pain.)

It has been for me life changing. I’m now raising my nephew’s family and little children because I’m able to get

around and drive and help.

I feel younger now than I did in my 30s and I’m 63.

My advice is first to see Dr Aguila because he’s been a miracle for me!”

Contact Dr. Aguila at https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/contact/

Groin Denervation and Superior Cluneal Nerve Surgery in Young Teen

Tauniliz suffered for years with unexplained nerve pain that started after a fall playing sports. She saw dozens of doctors and tried many treatments but nothing helped ease her pain.

Since the doctors couldn’t explain her pain they told her she was depressed.

Frustrated and desperate one night she started searching online and found her answer hundreds of miles across the country.

Dr. Demetrio Aguila is one of a handful of pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeons in the world. Dr. Aguila can help patients who have conditions that were previously considered untreatable.

Watch how he gave young Tauniliz her life back.

Book an appointment with Dr. Aguila https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/contact/

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Failed Back Syndrome and Superior Cluneal Nerves

Patients suffering from low back pain often search in vain for relief. They see doctors and surgeons in various specialties but they still have back pain.

Sometimes they even have spine surgery and yet the pain remains.

As Dr. Aguila explains, very often these patients have spine problems and peripheral nerve problems. Or they just have a peripheral nerve problem involving Superior Cluneal Nerves.

Dr. Aguila is one of the few surgeons worldwide who can diagnose and effectively treat Superior Cluneal Nerve pain with Peripheral Nerve Surgery.

Watch this video and contact Dr. Aguila if you have unexplained back pain https://www.healinghandsofnebraska.com/contact/


Superior Cluneal Nerve Pain Gone Thanks to Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Shelley suffered with low back pain for ten years. She tried many different treatments but nothing helped. She thought she would have to live with the pain until a friend referred her to Dr. Demetrio Aguila. Dr. Aguila is one of a handful of surgeons worldwide performing pain-focused peripheral nerve surgery. Watch Shelley’s story and learn more about Superior Cluneal Nerves.

New Hope for Amy After Peripheral Nerve Surgery with Dr. Aguila

Amy’s story is one of the most powerful stories we have shared. A story that offers hope for the hopeless…
Amy had been in pain for years forcing her to give up a career and active life.
She had given hope on finding help when by “some miracle” she searched online and discovered Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Dr. Demetrio Aguila.
Watch Amy’s story and see how a flutter in her heart when she first watched Dr. Aguila’s videos led her down the path of hope and healing.

Low Back Pain Gone Thanks to Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Low Back Pain Healed with Nerve Surgery