Tag Archive for: trigger finger

Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Finger Release Success Story

Trigger Finger and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused pain and numbness for Diane.
She took care of both problems with a simple, outpatient procedure done in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia.
Watch this video to learn more about this option offered by Demetrio Aguila MD at Total Pain Solutions.
Dr. Aguila is the only surgeon in the region offering this procedure that allows for a quick recovery.
#carpaltunnel #carpaltunnelsyndrome #carpaltunnelrelief #carpaltunnelrelease #triggerfinger #demetrioaguilamd

Trigger Finger Release with Ultrasound Guidance Success Story

Judy was suffering from terrible pain when she tried to pull weeds or open jars. Her sister referred her to Dr. Demetrio Aguila for Trigger Finger Release with Ultrasound Guidance. Since Dr. Aguila is one of the few surgeons trained to do this procedure, Judy traveled 700 miles to see him. It was worth the trip! Her Trigger Finger is healed and her pain is gone. Watch her story and learn more.


Trigger Finger Release with Ultrasound Guidance

Another milestone for Dr. Demetrio Aguila as he introduces yet another first in the state treatment for Healing Hands of Nebraska. Trigger Finger Release with Ultrasound Guidance means a faster healing for the patient since the procedure is done with an ultrasound rather general surgery. Dr. Aguila demonstrates the procedure and we meet a patient who had it done. 


Trigger Finger Treatment Under Local Anesthesia

In keeping with his reputation for innovation, Dr. Demetrio Aguila is excited to introduce a new procedure for Trigger Finger done in the office, under local anesthesia.

Dr. Aguila is the only physician in Nebraska and the surrounding region to offer this alternative to surgery.

Learn more by watching this video.