Wound Reconstruction Using Amniotic Tissue

Wound Reconstruction Surgery Provides Patient with Great Relief

Angela had a four-pound hematoma on her thigh. No other surgeon would touch her because she also had an autoimmune disease. Enter Dr. Aguila who developed an innovative surgical plan for her wound reconstruction. Watch her story.

Husband and Wife Healed Thanks to Dr. Aguila’s Plastic Surgery and ENT Training

ENT Surgery Provides Relief For Family

Success is twice as nice in this husband and wife patient story. Dr. Aguila operated on Alan and then helped Naomi on the road to recovery. To treat this couple, Dr. Aguila relied on his ENT Surgery and Plastic Surgery Training.

Dr. Demetrio Aguila is a board-certified ENT, which means he is qualified to treat all disorders affecting the ears, nose, and throat–including allergies in both adults and children. Because he can assess all of your needs with a comprehensive exam, you can make one trip to our office rather than booking appointments with an allergist and an ENT.

A perpetually stuffed or a runny nose may not mean you have allergies though. It could just as easily be another ENT-related condition. We commonly see sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps, and deviated septums as well. With his experience and knowledge of the field, Dr. Aguila can identify the cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan just for you.

No Downtime Carpal Tunnel Release

Imagine going back to work immediately after Carpal Tunnel Release surgery. Sounds crazy but now it is a reality for patients at Healing Hands of Nebraska. Dr. Demetrio Aguila is the first doctor in Nebraska to offer this life-changing procedure pioneered at the Mayo Clinic. Micro-invasive Carpal Tunnel Release involves zero downtime, takes 15 minutes and does not include general anesthesia. Here is Dr. Aguila explaining this new breakthrough procedure. Take a listen.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Debilitates Young Mom for 10 years

For 10 years Kayla had terrible shoulder pain from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. She saw more than 10 doctors but none of them could find anything wrong. She couldn’t enjoy work or take care of her two children. Watch how this young mom finally found an answer and got her life back.

Relief from Nasal Congestion

Ricky was suffering from nasal congestion. He had trouble breathing during walks with his wife Dottie. He was also snoring heavily keeping both of them awake at night. Luckily Dr. Aguila had a simple solution.

Young Father Overcomes Chronic Pain with Peripheral Nerve Surgery

As far back as he could remember Wade was in pain. Dozens of doctors from the best hospitals in the world told him he was crazy. He was ready to give up but his wife convinced him to give Dr. Aguila one last chance. He’s thankful he did. Watch this emotional story of hope and healing.

Back Pain Finally Gone Thanks to Nerve Surgery

Macie was a young athlete suffering from horrible upper back pain. She tried many treatments to relieve her suffering including acupuncture, pain medication, medical massage, and physical therapy. She even had an MRI and a bone scan to see if she had cancer. No doctor could solve her problem until she found Dr. Demetrio Aguila who diagnosed her issue on the first visit. Watch her story.

Non Surgical Treatment for Patients with Neuropathy

Dr. Aguila is excited to offer his neuropathy patients a new treatment option that does not involve surgery. Watch how Lisa walked into his office in pain and walked out feeling like a different person.

Peripheral Nerve Surgery Heals Troy’s Foot and Ankle Neuromas

Troy’s Story 

For many years I suffered from chronic ankle pain. By the time I met Dr. Aguila I had endured seven ankle surgeries, two plates and lots of hardware in my left ankle. The Orthopedic doctors were at a loss at what to do.I was taking lots of pain meds. I was to the point that I didn’t play with my kids or do the outdoor things I love anymore. My friends quit calling because they knew I would say know if they invited me to go hunting or fishing. My marriage suffered because I was in pain all the time and just wanted to go to bed after work. My job suffered and I had to change professions because it was hard to get around. Things were really falling apart around me.

It was frustrating because I saw many different doctors in Omaha, Norfolk, and Sioux Falls but no one could help reduce my pain. Until I met Dr. Aguila.

After surgery with Dr. Aguila, my life changed dramatically. I’m not taking any pain meds anymore. I’m going on walks with my wife. I’m playing with my kids. Just little things like talking my kids to the park are amazing. We were all missing out on so much.

The advice I have for people suffering from chronic pain is don’t give up. Don’t let the pain win. Give Dr. Aguila call.

Dr. Aguila is an amazing doctor but he’s even a better person. My family and I will be forever grateful for his help and friendship!!!

Do I Have a Peripheral Nerve Problem?

The human nervous system is divided into two categories. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.